Chiropractic Care has been a passion for both Dr. Tyler Nelson and Dr. Garry Nelson, since their early experiences at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. The doctors know the great benefits their profession provides daily. Dr. Palmer established the Chiropractic profession over 100 years ago in this country. Dr. Palmer understood that Chiropractic Care would face unjust prejudice, due to the profession’s refusal to depend on prescription medicine to treat conditions. This care would establish treatment with chiropractic adjustments versus traditional medicine techniques.
Chiropractic Care has certainly came a long way since developing over 100 years ago. Today’s chiropractors are well versed in all aspects of care and treatment of the human body. We are not just chiropractors, we are and have been chiropractic patients.
Nelson and Nelson Chiropractic Centers are successful because of the employees. Doctors of Chiropractic that are committed to patient care are the only ones employed at Nelson and Nelson Chiropractic Centers. Our doctors are Alumni of elite chiropractic colleges throughout the United States, including Palmer. Palmer College of Chiropractic, the founding college of Chiropractic Care, counts Dr. Garry Nelson, Dr. Tyler Nelson, Dr. Mike Ebner and Dr. Joy Smith as proud Alumni.
Dr. Tyler was enrolled in Bloomfield College, one of New Jersey’s few Pre-Chiropractic Programs. Dr. Frank Zaccaria and Dr. Alice Sayler were an inspiration to Tyler in Undergraduate School. Palmer College of Chiropractic and Dr. Bartlett Joshua Palmer, were on the cutting edge of “alternative” health care. Bartlett Joshua Palmer was born in What Cheer, Iowa, to Daniel David Palmer, the founder of Chiropractic Care. Dr. Bartlett Palmer became known as the developer of Chiropractic Care, creating his own legacy. Dr. Palmer purchased and employed the first X-ray machine in the late 1800s. Dr. Palmer was an genius innovator. In addition to developing one of the first ambulatory services in Davenport, Iowa, he acquired state of the art physical therapy equipment at the time, and throughout early 1900s.
Spinal Adjustment or Spinal Manipulation, is the foundation of what every chiropractor does. Joint Manipulation is an art form that dates back to Ancient Greek and Roman Eras. Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, wrote “Look Well To The Spine For The Cause of Disease.”